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Facebook Livestream! Be A Pro in 3, 2, 1...

Lights, Camera, Action

5 gigs ֍֍֍֍֍ rating!

Facebook just went PRO 2.0 status! Just the way I like it. You now have access to all the bells and whistles. I've been playing with some of the live switching and editing tools that can make anyone a "Pro 2.0 Producer" in no time. this is seriously much more than a selfie stick. Whether you're sharing your first product launch or your going full HD broadcast, they've got you covered.

Facebook Livestream

Sure it’s the latest gimmick to get us to record, share and watch more videos. Hell, I'm even planning to start filming for my Pro 2..0 blog journal. Actually an ambitious estimate by networking-equipment maker, Cisco predicts that by 2020, 75% of the world's mobile traffic will be video. The big brands are getting a jump on the competition and will keep us locked into their apps early on. You may want to give it a shot. I've added some Pro 2.0 tips & tricks for the novice and the expert.


Interview anyone, anywhere

Using WebRTC, Live Interview allows you to invite anyone to join your live broadcast with low latency via webcam. All a guest needs is a link from you and a Chrome web browser. Moderators can switch between guests, delivering a revolutionary experience from Livestream Studio.

Interview anyone, anywhere

There are plenty of ways to market yourself or your product. Take time to learn the tools and it is important to present a topic in a way that is interesting to your audience and presents you as an expert. Peter has always caught my attention as a professional in his previous social media posts, however, this video lacks composition and storyline. To be fair, Peter did not present this as a Livestream. I also gave it a go and after 3 takes I realize I have a lot to learn.

Facebook and Livestream have already launched several very cool apps and video editing tools to further the live video experience. I am trying a few out myself.

For More DIY Marketing Read DIY Marketing Pro 2.0

Marketing Pro 2.0

DIY Marketing Pro 2.0

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