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Top 10 Daily Rituals For Getting Creative

Marketing Pro 2.0 Blog Entry 2 "Getting my day started..."

Most mornings start with a five am rooster's quartet. Our villa sits just next to a rice paddie so it's inevitable. Once I've cleared the crust from my eyes and the gecko poop from our [outdoor] bathroom sink, I get my butt to the gym. The locals are usually up working the rice paddies. Some mornings I bring them a coconut.

Rice Paddies in Bali

It's quite a spectacular view to wake up to. And I do think my morning ritual does help me be more creative. Being in the States, the traffic, sounds, pollution and the speed at which business ran always seemed to keep me so wound up. Today, the pace around me is much more conducive to quality rather than quantity. And it may not seem so but consumers today feel the same. They naturally gravitate towards that calming, focused energy. A campaign can literally suck someone in because it feels grounded and healthy.

Rice Paddies

This morning I stopped at one of my favorite warungs (little stores) to gas up and get a coconut. It's kind of my secret sauce for getting creative, The coconut water and the meat inside is very healthy.

The office. Although most of us don't have this view, nor do I all the time, I do believe an uplifting work space offers health benefits as well as years to our lives. We can create this no matter what the space. Sometimes a simple paint job can make all the difference.

Marketing Office Bali

Now It's time... These days, it's not often I put on pants, a button down and a soft pair of suedes but this day called for a "2.0 Pro Look". So like they say, "When in Rome..."

Time to get creative...

We all have our morning rituals. I've compiled my list below. Maybe it will help.

Here's The Secret Sauce To My Day

1. A morning snuggle and kiss with my love

2. Stress free wakeup (requires being up early enough to avoid stress)

3. Gym (1.5 hours cardio, strength, weight, yoga, stretch, meditation)

4. Brush my teeth and shower

5. Morning ride on my scooter (optional but do something inspirational)

6. Freshly cut fruit & Coconut

7. 10 minute breaks (2 or 3 x's) to stretch, relax, breathe, walk outside

8. Catch up on the latest technology, fashion, news

9. Curate my magazines (helps clear my head and connect the dots)

10. And finally, the creative! I try to put myself in the consumer's shoes. I ask myself what is it they want. And then I try to develop integrated lifestyle campaigns that allow the advertiser's audience to be part of the process. I try to find ways that allow them to be brand managers for the brand.

Be creative, unique and have fun...

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