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"The next wave of app technology will seamlessly incorporate Internet of Things with our lives, not just to make things easier but to make us better."

Google goes interactive

Google is going after the jugular when it comes to outdoing Facebook. While Facebook may corner the social media market at the moment, Google is stepping up their game this year. They just announced their new "Google Goals."

The media and tech giant is becoming intuitive, finding ways to personalize the human experience. For me it's exciting to see the industry utilizing technology and tying it to our everyday lives. Internet of Things will bring many opportunities both personally and for the economy.

"The next wave of app technology will seamlessly incorporate Internet of Things with our lives, not just to make things easier but to make us better."

One such app, still under wraps is called Morphius Project. (Morph - I - Us). The project is seeking funding and plans to launch 2017. It's a multilayered, intuitive app built on SaaS platform. The gaming app takes players off their phones and into the real world. Players set and accomplish goals through fun challenges and intuitive rewards.

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